Learn to build an application using Vue.js with CLI in easy steps. Follow the steps to create a basic Vuejs app without hustle.
Install Node.js on Windows. It will allow you to install Vue.js by using Node Package Manager (npm).
Install Vue.js
In order to install Vue.js on your system:
Open the command prompt
Create a project folder: mkdir VueProjects and now enter that directory: cd VueProjects
Use Node Package Manager (npm) and install Vue.js.
Note: Use the command vue --version and check the version of Vue.js before installing it.
Install Vue CLI
Vue CLI is a tool in the Vue command line/ terminal that helps you to create an interactive project. It allows you to quickly scaffold a new Vuejs project, manage a project using Vue UI, or prototype brand-new ideas
Use npm to install Vue CLI. You need to use the -g flag to install globally and upgrade (vue upgrade --next):
Step 1: Create a project
In order to create a new project, run the below command
Note: In case you use Git Bash with minTTY on Windows, the above command might not work. You need to enter a command winpty vue.cmd create hello-world. If you still want to use the above command, then you can alias the syntax by adding the below line to your ~/.bashrc file. Use alias vue='winpty vue.cmd' and restart your Git Bash terminal session to update bashrc file.
You will be required to select a preset. Either select the default preset that comes along with a Babel + ESLint, or choose “Manually selected features” and you can easily pick features that you need.
Source: Vue CLI
To quickly prototype your new project, use the default setup. The manual setup provides more features and functions that allow you to create more productive-oriented projects.
Source: Vue CLI
Save the manually selected features so that you can reuse them in the future. We have included presets and plugins in our separate blog.
The vue create command has a lot of options and you can easily explore them by running the following command.
Step 2: Use the GUI
You can create and maintain Vuejs projects with the help of a graphical interface with the vue ui command:
This command will allow you to open a browser window wih GUI that help you with the project creation process.
Source: Vue CLI
Step 3: Pulling 2.x Templates (Legacy)
The command Vue CLI >= 3 uses the same vue binary, and that’s how it overwrites Vue CLI 2 (vue-cli). In case you still want a legacy vue init functionality, install global bridge:
This Vuejs example will help you create an interactive application. Our CLI Service integration will help you create an app with CLI.
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