
What is microservice architecture, and why is it is better than monolithic architecture?

Technology has been changing every day, and the most recent technology that came into the market to simplify the task of software developers is microservices. Microservices are basically an architecture that has given new heights to typical software-design techniques.

What is microservice architecture?

Microservice architecture might look like a new term to you, but for software developers, it's just a new approach to development. In microservices, there are collections of small, independent services that work together to create a larger application. In recent years, this architecture has become popular because it allows modern software systems to be flexible, scalable, and reliable.

In a microservice architecture, each service is responsible for a specific function or feature. The services communicate with each other using well-defined APIs and protocols, and they can be developed, deployed, and managed independently. This decoupling of services enhances fault tolerance and resilience while allowing for more flexibility in development, testing, and deployment.

Benefits of using microservices architecture:

Microservices architecture is a software design pattern that involves building an application as a set of small, independent, and loosely connected services that talk to each other through APIs. Here are some common benefits of microservices architectures:

  1. Scalability

One of the primary benefits of microservice architecture is its ability to scale horizontally. Since each service is independent and can be set up on its own, it is possible to add or remove instances of a service to match changing traffic patterns. This makes sure that resources are used well and gives organizations the ability to deal with fast growth and changing workloads.

  1. Agility

The second advantage of using a microservices architecture for software development is that it allows services to be deployed and built independently, making software development more agile and flexible. This allows for faster release cycles, a quicker time to market, and more rapid innovation.

  1. Resilience

Using microservice architecture for software development provides resilience and fault tolerance by isolating faults within individual services. This makes sure that if one service fails, it won't affect the performance of the whole application.

  1. Continuous delivery

Using Microservices architecture, developers can deliver multiple projects concurrently without interfering with their current project. It allows developers to test and deploy projects independently, which helps with continuous delivery. This allows for quicker and more frequent updates to the application.

  1. Maintainability

Not only designing and deployment but maintenance of microservice architecture is also relatively easy that any typical codes. Developer can make changes i the selected frame of codes without affecting the entire application. This feature of microservices reduces the risk of unintended consequences and allows for more efficient maintenance and updates.

  1. Technology diversity:

With microservice architecture, companies can use different technologies for different services, depending on their needs. This lets the technology stack be more diverse and less dependent on a single technology.

After understanding all these benefits of microservices architecture, we can only say that it is a great technique to stay ahead of others in this complex and rapidly changing environments where scalability, agility, and resilience are critical.

Features of Microservice that make it superior to monolithic architecture:

Before understanding how monolithic is better than microservice architecture, it is important to understand the concept of monolithic applications.


In monolithic architecture, all functionalities of the project are stored in a single codebase. Hence, we also call this structure a single codebase structure.

Microservice vs Monolithic architecture: 

  1. Monolithic applications run on single codebase and hence it become larger with time. But microservice are small set of functions that are independent of each other. 

  1. Large codes if Monolithic are very difficult to manage whereas Monolithic architecture comes with small set independent codes that are easy to maintain and deploy.

  1. The deployment time of Monolithic applications increases according to the length of codes. COmparatively, codes in microservice architecture are furious to deploy.

  1. Monolithic architecture hardly adopt any new technology coz the entire application will get affected if we try to transfer some funcion to a new technology. Whereas in Microservice architecture you can easily change technology of a specific set of code without affecting the rest of the application. 

  1. Monolithic architecture is hard to understand by a new developer joining in the mid of the project but microservice architecture is very easy to understand no matter from which set of code you want to continue. 

  1. Microservice architecture support diverse range of technologies and programming languages whereas monolithic rely in particular type of technology stack that best suited to its specific requirements. 

  1. When it comes to changing architecture, migrating from a monolithic architecture to a microservices architecture can be a complex process that requires careful planning and execution. It may involve breaking down the monolithic application into smaller services, refactoring the codebase, and rearchitecting the data storage and communication patterns. However, migrating a microservices architecture is much simpler. 

Final thoughts: 

By making a comparison of both the architectures, we have come to a conclusion that microservice architecture is far better than monolithic architecture. The technology has been evolving, and it's high time to opt for more versatile technology like microservice architecture to stay ahead of your competitors in the market while fulfilling the basic objective of marketing. 

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